If you head on over to the Comic Reviews section, you'll notice you can now review
issue 21 of Futurama Comics. The comic's been on news stands for a while now, so fly on over to the nearest one and grab a copy of it, and if possible, pay for it after you grab it. If you'd like a description of it along with the cover art, read down a few updates. While we're at it, would you like to see a sneak preview of #22? Then tilt your eyes to the right of this paragraph!
And if that wasn't enough, here's the description for Futurama Comics issue 23 which will be released Jan. 26th 2006 :
A space anomaly and some reckless piloting by Bender bring about the reappearance of one of Planet Express' earliest crew - once presumed dead. But when the old crew turns out to be far superior to the current crew, one of them has to go! However, the now stellar and once interstellarly lost crew may not be all they seem to be!
Futurama Calendar 2006 and 2007
2006 is just around the corner, and one way of celebrating the new year is to bring out the handy-dandy 2006 Futurama Calendar by Harper-Collins. Amazon.com has it priced at $10.39, which is a very good deal for such a fine piece of art. While you're over at amazon.com, pre-order the newly announced Futurama Calendar 2007!
Paper Back's ahoy!
Next year Bongo Comics plans on releasing two Futurama paper back reprint books. The first one will be for The Simpsons/Futurama Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis which will include all four issues of the mini-series and #87 of Simpsons comics, which links to the mini-series. Expect that to hit book stores June 1st, 2006. Likewise, expect The Time Bender Trilogy mini-series to be released July 1st, 2006. Both will retail between $10 and $14 and can be pre-ordered at amazon.com right now.
Attack of the West
If you haven't noticed, us here at CGEF like to take our damn time with updating. And because of this, we failed to mention that there were two Billy West signings in the California area within the last month. If you missed out, we're very sorry... not really though.
The first trek involved Billy at a comic book convention at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on October 9th. Each signature had a price tag, but all the proceeds went to Hurricane Relief. One fan spoke to Billy and he stated that he was a little too quick to say "The Futurama movie is a go" a few months back, and instead said that the movie is still in talking form, no contracts have been signed. This doesn't really mean much, though, so don't worry, we'll still most likely get our movie(s).
The last event was in Van Nuys at the Global Sci-Fi Expo
at the Airtel Plaza Hotel which Marc speaks of in the update under this one. He supposedly was "signing stuff, selling CDs and posters etc." It was held on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of this month.
We're sorry about this, hopefully we can let you know when it happens BEFORE it happens. If anyone went, please send us a report about it with photos!
It's been brought to my attention by Futurama fan S.D. Morehouse that Billy West and John DiMaggio are both lending their voice talents on the new Cartoon Network animated adaptation of the comic strip The Boondocks. I'm unable to figure out what character(s) they do, though. Boondocks airs Sundays at 12AM on Cartoon Network.
Icons vol2
I recently updated about some Futurama icons, well guess what - there's more! I'd tell you which characters he did, but instead you'll just have to go check out Iconfactory.com instead.
Futurama mentioned in Family Guy Movie
If you've picked up a copy of the straight to DVD movie of Family Guy titled "Stewie Griffin - The Untold Story" then you'll most likely already know this. But if you're like me and don't pay much attention to Family Guy, you'll now have the chance to know what took place in the DVD. During the beginning of the movie, Stewie is asked by an Entertainment Weekly journalist on a red-carpet event "when will Fox bring back Futurama?" with which he replies with by breaking the reporters neck... I personally see this as a jab at Futurama with Stewie seemingly being afraid of Futurama being on the air (because Futurama is so much better, maybe?) But according to the DVD commentary, it was just a jab at Entertainment Weekly because they gave Family Guy a bad review once. Ha? Thanks to Jeff for telling me about this.
Bill Morrison interview
If you're not familiar with the name, Bill Morrison used to be an Art Director for the series Futurama, and does countless tasks at Bongo Comics. He recently sat down with the Spanish Simpsons fansite titled The Simpsons Robertuybrush Page. Luckily for anyone who can't speak Spanish, there is an English translation of the interview here. Bill talks about all things Simpsons, Bongo Comics, and Futurama. Here's a small tidbit of the very detailed interview :
Question:-According to various rumours and Matt Groening's and Billy West's words, Futurama may come back in form of DVD movie/s. Do you know something about it? Is there hope for a comeback of the TV show? Is there a real reason behind Futurama's cancellation?
Bill Morrison: It's definitely in the works, though I'm not sure if they've actually inked the deal yet. If they do the DVDs and they are successful (buy multiples!!), I think the show has a real shot for a comeback. Everyone who worked on it is anxious to see this happen. It was a great experience, and one we'd like to repeat. Basically, Futurama was cancelled because there was nobody at Fox at the time who cared enough about it to give it the proper time slot. Things have since changed, and the people who exist there now are quite fond of it, I'm told.
Halloween costumes
Did you dress up as a Futurama character for Halloween? Send in your photos of the costume if you did! Until then, check out Robin Thompson's pimped out Bender costume by clicking the thumbnail on the right and clicking here for a second image.