Hey folks, been a couple of weeks but I'm back with an update!
Firstly, look out for my interview with Futurama writer
Eric Rogers going up in the next few hours!
This weekend is
Comic Con! As well as the Futurama panel on Saturday, many of the cast and crew are appearing at other signings and events over the weekend(see Marc's post below).
This is just an encouragement for any of you that are there to send us Futurama pics or quotes from the event. You can email us or if you're tweeting, send it
@gotfuturama or tag it #futuramacc.
Here's a wrap up of other odds and ends:
- Bongo Comics has just launched their awesome website with daily updates, news and sneak peeks. Check it out!
- Futurama ratings are going well. After the inevitable post-premiere drop off from 2.9m to 2 for 'Proposition Infinity', last week's episode climbed well, up to 2.2m. This is great news and Futurama is now the second most watched show on Comedy Central after South Park! So spread the news! Futurama is back!
- Michelle Castillo from MSNBC did an article on Futurama's return in which I was asked for some comments(shameless self-plug!).
Twitter! Facebook! PEEL!So long jerkwads!